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Sales is an integral part of any business. It wins the bread and butter for the company. And if the business is really offering a great product and service, it may also win a cake with cherry on the top, some coffee and cookies.

Sales helps sustain your business. But if you are looking for scalability and growth, then an effective marketing strategy is what you need to focus on.

Without a marketing strategy in place

  • Sales team need extra effort to convince the prospects
  • They are pressured to meet the targets which are aggressive
  • One needs to increase the sales team in order to cater to larger market and wider geographies
  • The team either has a burnout and no life beyond work, or they smartly achieve their targets but by means that may not necessarily be fair
  • Sales, if driven by only meeting the target numbers creates a disconnect between the company and client

An effective marketing strategy helps the sales team to ensure that the business keeps growing sustainably.

Here are some of the ways in which this approach can lead to sustainable business growth.

  • Marketing team helps define the audience profile, market research, structure external communication and make the right collaterals available for effective sales
  • The right marketing strategy can generate better leads for the sales team, as they understand the client profile as well as the best fit solution
  • Marketing strategy creates a framework, which helps the sales team to connect with the right client at right time and with the right solution
  • Marketing team acts as the communication channel between various backend teams and the sales team
  • Marketing and Sales teams need to work together to ensure that the sales achieve their timely targets, as well as provide clients with the necessary support and help in owning the solution

Over a period of time when the backend, marketing and sales teams work together in an effective rhythm, that’s when a sustainable business and brand gets built. Brand identity, website, brochures, digital media marketing, ads, videos, podcasts, experience zones, etc. are the means to build a brand. But that can only work if a sound & functional backend, marketing and sales rhythm is established.